A very brief Political Science lecture

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think so.

The Philadelphia Inquirer on Monday published a story based on a fallacy.

The subheadline reads, “‘City folks’ who moved to fast-growing far suburbs could help Kamala Harris defeat Donald Trump in Pennsylvania”

The main headline was this:  “Philly’s exurbs turn blue as growth expands” 

It is true that the collar counties surrounding Philadelphia have slid from Republican to Democratic over the past few decades.

And that has led to those counties — Delaware, Montgomery, Bucks, Chester — being run by Democrats. 

Which has zero to do with electing a President.

Whether you are voting from deep blue Philadelphia, or light blue Chester, the vote goes into the same statewide bucket. What county you live in changes nothing in the statewide totals. So the move to the exurbs will not help, nor hurt, Kamala Harris in any way.

The Poly Sci 101 lecture is now concluded.

22 thoughts on “A very brief Political Science lecture”

  1. Stu – you’ve proven once again Mark Twain’s old adage: “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” It appears the Inquirer staff writers could not figure out a simple math problem of 1 +/- 0 still equals 1.

    Good catch!

  2. Unless my FIOS guide is incorrect (and it certainly could be), none of the local affiliates will be broadcasting tonight’s DNC convention. Why would ABC, CBS & NBC not want to televise our President on their main channels?

    1. Correction: All three networks are beginning coverage at 10pm. Sorry for any confusion.

      1. Thom – I could have sworn that “the Biggies” started at 8 or 9 pm. You are so right. However, PBS and the other 24-hour news stations (Read: Talking Heads) will be starting much earlier. I almost can’t blame The Big 3 for starting later. Many times, I just prefer the Cliff Notes version of this stuff.

  3. That is hilarious.

    I am waiting for some idiot here to make a very specific comment regarding the math and something else.

      1. 🤣 Sorry Randy, your mistake is not what I am talking about. 🤣

        I’m reasonably sure that most of us will recognize what I’m talking about if it happens.

  4. Thanks for clarifying this Stu. I am ashamed to say that as a Poli Sci Temple grad, I almost bought this theory that Kamala would benefit from this demographic change. As always, you are SO wise

      1. Yup – when they should have gas-lighted it instead. Well, as they say, poop rolls down from the top.

  5. You mean if I move $50.00 from my left pocket to my right pocket, I don’t double my money?

  6. Once again, Stu, you have demonstrated skills that, if applied to baseball instead of enlightening the Inquirer’s bumbling reporters and editors, you would go into the Baseball Hall of Fame as one of the games’s great short stops!

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