
2 hot issues for White House on Easter

It’s a little crazy at the White House this Easter, which is a religious holiday, the most important holiday on the Christian calendar. In one case the holiday is being disrespected, but not in the other.

President Biden and First Lady Jill cheer on egg rollers on White House lawn. (Photo: CNN)

In the first case, some were surprised to learn that children of National Guard members are prohibited from submitting artwork with religious symbolism for the White House’s 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” event, according to several sources, including the Just The News website.

“The Easter egg art contest is part of the White House’s Easter traditions. This year, the Adjutants General of the National Guard requested on behalf of First Lady Jill Biden for the children of parents in the National Guard to submit artwork with the theme, ‘Celebrating our Military Families,’” the website reported.

The Easter egg design “must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements.”

No religious symbols or themes… on Easter. 

Also prohibited: Designs that promote bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any individual or group, as well as discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.

You can view the language here.

Despite the good intent, don’t the rules place religious symbols, such as the cross, on the same plane as symbols of hate, such as the swastika? (No, I am not forgetting that some — looking at you, KKK — have misappropriated the cross for evil. That sin is on them, not the cross itself.)

Why would an administration headed by a president who calls himself a good Catholic want to dechristianize a Christian holiday? To make it more inclusive? To me, it would be like removing the menorah from a White House observance of Hanukkah. Not everything needs to be reduced to nothingness to avoid the possibility of anyone finding offense. [Update: Days after publication, I learned the ban on religious symbols at the White House Easter celebration had been in effect for 45 years. That would have been when Jimmy Carter was president.]

If Christian symbols bother you, stay away from Christian celebrations, such as the White House lawn at Easter. The Constitution demands a separation of church and state, it does not demand removal of religion. 

Conservatives are squawking about this on social media, and their complaints are justified.

One quick P.S.: An Easter bunny, which is not a religious symbol, in 2022 seemed to Watch the latest video at foxnews.com“>not Easter

March 31 was the date chosen when the event was first organized in 2009. Easter that year was on April 12. The next time Easter will fall on March 31 will be in 2086. 

So if you hear or see that Biden has supplanted Easter with a trans holiday, understand that you are being lied to.

Stu Bykofsky

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